I'm happy to say that the new My Friend Ronnie products have debuted at Macy's in the past few weeks! They are safely tucked away in the Christmas Departments of the store as the spinners have Christmas designs and everyday sentiments included. There are really cute mini plaques that are perfect as ornaments, package decorations or hung on a wine bottle. The larger size is a great little gift ---for a friend, sister or by golly, get one for yourself!
When you make your living designing products, it's a very s-l-o-o-o-w process getting your designs to market. We first showed these designs to Macy's in May of 2009! And through a long decision making process, design approvals and manufacturing cycle they have finally made it into the stores! I am thrilled with the quality of the plaques and had a great working relationship with our client, Enesco/Department 56. We are currently working on next year's designs so I am keeping my fingers crossed that everybody stays happy and these babies fly off the shelf!