I'm back...for now. I'm not exactly sure how bloggers keep up with their blogs. Sure, I have deep thoughts now and then but somehow blogging about them escapes me for...well it looks like months on end. We've been busy little cartoonists here in the studio, drawing concepts for new products, more art for the next calendar and of course writing. Writing requires solitude and focus, drawing for me requires neither. Give me a couch, a tv and a glass of wine and I'll happily draw and come up with concepts all evening long. Funny, except for the glass of wine, that's pretty much how I spent my childhood.
We just returned from the Atlanta Gift Market and if you are reading all the bloggers who actually

So now, with Surtex a mere 15 weeks away (as a friend happened to mention) I must go back to drawing and writing and all the follow-up from Atlanta. See ya!