1) The Heavenly Bed at the Westin--not that I got to spend much time there since each morning our feet hit the floor at 7 am and our heads did not hit the pillow again (with a thud, I may add) until 11 pm or so.
2) Seeing all the cute products (some of which was even mine---like these plaques from the Real Women...Real Country collection by My Friend Ronnie at Blossom Bucket) in the sparkly shiny showrooms.
3) Seeing all my wonderful, creative, audacious, hilarious business-y friends. You know who you are, but here's a few names (in no particularly order so don't get mad at me): Susan, Barb, Mary, Elise, Connie, Alan, Bobbie, Greg, Joe, Guynna, Ketra, Kim, Marty, John, Renee, BJ, Carol, Ellen and Jane. If I forgot anyone I'm sorry and I'll write your very own blog at another time.
4) Cute outfits. Everybody looks so darn cute in Atlanta, those Southern Women really know their accessories and unlike New York they actually wear something brighter than black.
5) Cocktails in Showrooms---now what better way to get people to shop than to serve them wine, margaritas and cute food?
6) Oh, what the heck--here's one more...the deals! I really like the deals!
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