I'm back from Vegas, caught up on my sleep, my follow-up (ok, that's ongoing) and basking in the glow that is Licensing Expo. There is something so energizing about going to a show that's pretty much populated with people in the business of new ideas, clever concepts and exciting deals. Oh, sure, there are always the doom and gloom types but I try to ignore them, or at least just talk about them behind their backs. This is a picture of me next to my wall showcasing My Friend Ronnie (tm)---tell me honestly---is my hair veering too close to Paula Deen's? No, really, do let me know as these are the things I'm concerned about. I've never taken one of those quizzes that let you know who would play you in the movie of your life as I am afraid it would turn out to be Bea Arthur. And my voice is just not that deep. And neither am I, apparently. I'll keep you posted on all the fun things that could/should bubble up from the show.
Ronnie - you are GORGEOUS. Love your hair and hairlarity.