Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ronnie's Work Habits

Hi Everyone,
Do you ever wonder what I'm doing when I'm not blogging? Oh, go on, I know you do! Here's a few things I've been doing: Working. Oh wait, that's just one thing. But when I "work" it looks like this:

Sit at my drawing table. Stare out window. Check my Facebook page. Make tea. Check email, answer a few. Panic that I'll never work again. Check my Facebook page. Draw something. Draw more somethings. Think: Hmmm...I think this could be something. Make it into something. Show it to a client. They say: Hmmm...I think this could be something. Celebrate! Repeat.
Wait 1 and 1/2 years for royalties to kick in. Make tea...

So there you have it. Any questions?


  1. Hi Ronnie,
    I just discovered your blog. You are a scream! Love your tips for new artists, I'm in that boat and need all the tips I can get. I'm going to pour myself a cup of coffee and read through your old posts,


  2. Why, Thanks Sidney! I appreciate the comment---and now everyone back to the staring out the window portion of your day...
