Hello? Hello? It seems like ages since I've been in the studio. It's not like I haven't been working, mind you...it just seems like it's been forever since I actually drew an actual picture. My time has been taken up with getting ready for Surtex, going to Surtex and following up on Surtex. I'm not complaining as it's just a part of the world in which I work. It's kind of like Christmas, it comes every year whether you're ready or not!
And now for the pictures. The top one is my adorable friend and spectacular artist Cathy Heck. Cathy and I have known each other for years, art buddies from way back. We shared a booth with each other at Licensing Expo waaay back, before our hair was this color. Her new collection is absolutely adorable and I can't wait to hang with her in Las Vegas next month.
The next shot is with the lovely Connie Haley, another amazing artist with a wicked sense of humor---we were booth neighbors in Atlanta and let's just say if we had been in 4th grade the teacher would have separated us immediately! And people get us confused all the time!
I get to meet new delightful people too. I met the darling Monica Lee on a shuttle bus. It's a blast to meet people you only meet through their blogs, and she is as just as cute as her artwork. Every once in a while you meet an artist and you can't believe from their personality the kind of artwork they do. Really? That's you?! But not with Monica. Cute girl, cute art.
You'll notice that I am wearing the same thing in each photo, as I suddenly remembered after the show had closed that I meant to take a bunch of pictures! So even though these shots don't show it, booths were crashing down around us and the sound of forklifts was deafening. But we're all about illusions, right?
Talk to you soon, I've got pictures to draw!
Ronnie, Can't wait to see you at the Licensing Show, and lucky us to be next-door-neighbors! ... we will try not to laugh too much ... would hate for that fourth grade teacher to separate us, too! Cath